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Grant Resources are Limited but Misconceptions are Many
Consultancy Services
While working with numerous nonprofit organizations throughout the country and meeting various organizational leadership we have been receiving calls from leaders and managers of various social organizations from all over the country asking about to get funds urgently and uncertain where to find. Many organizational office bearers think that a consultant can just ‘get’ a grant for their organization through a magic force and their relations. Through these conversations, we are often asked whether grants are the right solution to supplement a social organization’s projects or program budget. There is a misconception by many organizations that grants are easy to obtain.
Regrettably, they desire to get the money more earlier than most capable competent professional donors would ever dream to deliver. Fundraising is not magic that you can get it as you wish, but it can be executed with well planning, implementation process and adjusting process methodologies to appeal through proposal to the donor base.
However, grants are funded to reputable and stable organizations and credentialed professionals in order to achieve expected social outcomes. There are steps, that can be taken in order to improve an organizations track record, well prepare profile, expertise and uniqueness. That is where a good consultant can guide you.
If the organization not having a track record of previous social welfare work and expertise within its staff or unique program then the organization will not receive any or much funding irrespective of how much time or effort is spent in planning for and writing grants.
There are also ways to successfully utilize relationships and to appeal for the organization to funders. The experienced and knowledgeable consultants can steer the desired social organization in that direction to raise fund. Consultant can well guide about the fundraising process that is vital to long-term success of the grant program and financial viability of the NGO.
Here are a some consultancy parameters that are shared with leaders and prospective office bearers of NGOs frequently:
Have to Start Small and Build Your Base. As a new Nonprofit social organization with a good idea, no track record or sustainable financials and few present supporters, the dream of bringing in certain amount of fund next month is a far-fetched and unrealistic one. But that also doesn’t mean you have to give up your dream. At Startup you have to follow the perception of ‘Start Small’. How can you measure back your budget of organization to enter in line with realistic fundraising and service-fee goals? Our experienced consultants can guide you well.
Initially Start Local. There are amazing number of calls we receive to apply for the funds at big corporates. These are the people have heard of, but more than likely not the best match for the organization or the project. There is often a better answer: much smaller, local foundations that may not be as avidly recognized without access to the correct tools. With local funders you better can get the expected funds at certain limit, where your organization already has a geographic locality connections, it matters at many aspects. When your concept aligns with the NGO’s working mission, then you have processed half of the way.
Have to Prove the Active Existence of NGO. Usually we get emails and WhatsApp messages that the NGO can get funds for any purpose if we could only find the money for them. Donors – especially CSR Companies – want to know what, how, when, where, and why you’re going to use those funds before they consider to approve donation. And once the grant is received by the Donor, those funds best be used for that specific purpose. Avoid misconception and proceed to the right path based of the Ethics and Code of Conducts for NGO. You have to develop solidly programs and goals of your NGO. Then – and only then – should you solicit for funding.
If you can afford to take the expert navigator consultancy’s service to measure and supply substantial proof of the project impact, your chance of getting the program fund from the funder is enhanced significantly. Most funders require prior documentation to considering your request.
• NGO Consultancy
• NGO Registration
• Trust Registration
• Society Registration
• Non Profit Company Registration
• FCRA Registration
• 12A and 80G Registration
• Fundraising
• How to start Fundraising
• Project Proposal
• Annual Report
• Concept Note
• About Us
• To whom we Support
• Why choose us?
• Operational Area
• Consultancy Services
• Registration in NGO Darpan
• Information Required for NGO Darpan
• Events Plans and Reports
• ISO Certification
• NGO Profile
• Fund Raising Reports
• Documentation
• Resolution of Meeting Decisions
• Field Survey Reports
• Publicity
• Website for NGO
• Trademark Registration
• Copyright Registration
• Contact
• National Level NGO Registration
• Grant Resources are Limited but Misconceptions are Many