Miscellaneous NGO Consultancy and Support Services

Consultancy Services

• Madhaw provides the support through various media including internet and web based Media, Social Media and Social networks to NGOs and groups working for welfare of society.

• Madhaw provides support information and Consultancy for Operation of NGOs, management of NGOs, documentation for NGOs, to collect and manage resources, fund-raising process information for Social Development and Welfare.

• Madhaw provides information of various kind of support and help, through various media including internet and web media, by various Departments and Ministries of Government of India, various State Governments and other support and funding groups, agencies, associations, bodies, institutions and individuals who want to help and support the Non-Profit Organizations (NGOs) and related deserving persons.

• Madhaw promotes Information collaborations and Constructive communication between Non-Profit Organizations (NGOs), to develop effective partnership with Non-Profit Organizations and Social Organization.

• Madhaw establishes, manages and promotes Networking for the access, sharing and dissemination of information collaboration and partnerships between Non-Profit Organizations (NGOs) and with other organizations.

• Madhaw establishes, manages and promotes Electronic Networking to strengthen community organizations and NGOs by boosting knowledge base and ability to share information and experiences with strategic allies and other partners with same or related purposes in relevant fields.

• Madhaw supports and provides Capacity building of grass root level Non-Profit Organization (NGOs), Social Organizations, Social workers, Social Activists through free online resources and information.

• Madhaw provides legal assistance and conduct legal awareness programs and campaigns among the general masses focusing the needy persons, groups and communities who wish to take the services.

• Madhaw provides support, organize programs, activities and provide Services to Non-Profit Organizations, Charities, Grass root level groups and community groups, educational and research institutions. This service is based on the certain terms, circumstances and available options whenever and wherever required.

• Madhaw shares knowledge, experience and ideas among Non-Profit Organization (NGOs) and development agents.

• Madhaw provides and avails easy and instant access to information to Non-Profit Organization (NGOs) through various media including Electronic media, Print media and the media based on internet technology. Information dissemination is the priority support to the deserving social activists and social entrepreneurs and stakeholders.

• Madhaw supports and helps Non-Profit Organization (NGOs) in their fund-raising programs, activities and events at certain terms on the applicability of NGOs.

• Madhaw supports to create mutual platform and network between Non-Profit Organization (NGOs) and Funding Agencies, so the supporters can select the right choice of NGOs to support and work with. This service is for limited and old deserving NGOs only.

• Madhaw provides process information regarding Non-Profit Organization (NGOs) Registration through various process and methods according to the related area and provide Consultancy to Non-Profit Organization (NGOs).

• Madhaw provides consultancy and Support services to Non-Profit Organizations (NGOs) regarding various kind of registration, funding related Consultancy, Income Tax related registration and various Government Departments, Ministries, Social Institutions and Authorities related registrations for Non-Profit Organizations, Social Institutions and Organizations and other kind of registration processes, methods and information.

• Madhaw provides support information and Consultancy for Operation of Non-Profit Organizations (NGOs), management of NGOs, documentation for NGOs, fund raising process information for Social Development and Welfare.

• regarding various kind of registration of NGOs with various Government departments and Ministries, Social Institutions and Organizations and other kind of registration process information and consultancy.

• To provide Volunteers to Non-Profit Organizations (NGOs) and collaborate between NGOs and Volunteers. Madhaw arranges Volunteering programs supports volunteers supports Non-Profit Organizations/ Groups/ Institution for Volunteers; also provides network for Volunteer service between Volunteers, Non-Profit Organizations, Institution, Academic Organizations and all kind of deserving Social organizations.

• Madhaw provides training to various kind of Volunteers for various issues and programs. To provide Volunteer service to various programs of the Trust, social groups, communities and social organizations with the help of Volunteers who are willing to serve the society.

• Madhaw provides and manages resource centers for Non-Profit Organizations (NGOs).

• Manage Internship Programs for desired interns and the NGOs so interns can contribute for and get experience in social sector.

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