NGO Registration

Consultancy Services

NGO Registration Consultancy Services
Madhaw NGO Consultancy provides Registration Services to register Non Profit Organizations (NPOs)/ Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Madhaw provides NGO Registration Consultancy Services at all over India in all kind of registration processes and methods including Society Registration, Trust Registration and Non Profit Section 8 Company Registration. NGO Registration processes are different so you can register your NGO in any process that is suitable to you according to your choice, availability of the minimum members, address and easiness to manage it. Madhaw is the best NGO Registration Consultancy Service provider in India as it is recommended by the social entrepreneurs those are associated with and received registration services. Our consultants guide well to the social activists before and after registering the NGO, and we keep long term relations with the leaders of the social service sector. Madhaw provides consultancy services to the deserving social workers and entrepreneurs who want to form, run and manage social service organizations and are involved in social service in organized way for welfare and development of the society.

NGO Registration is necessary to run and to get Funding
Many social workers, persons and groups have been working for social welfare and doing social services at their own level with contribution of time, energy and own resources. But if they want to run and manage it in well organized way and want to get public fund or want to use and utilize own funds and resources by following certain applicable parameters then it is necessary to registering your team group as Non Profit Organization. Those who are involved in social service the Social work spirit is in their culture, rites and observance so they are doing it with any material expectations in their own interest by associating the like minded social activist and volunteers. Social work is the spirit of well developed human being to make capable to grow further in society and to make more better this society and environment. Most of them are working as an individual social workers, as social activists, as teams and groups of social workers and social activists in various sectors on many different issues, and when they register the team/group as NGO then they can get identification and recognition at legal and social part.
If you want to run the Social Organization professionally as an officially recognized body then it is necessary to register it; especially when there is a matter of funds received and required or expecting to get funds from outside sources to run and operate the organization in more organized parameters and in more better managed process. Registration is a legal procedure for recognition of the official existence and status of the social organization as registered NGO.

To register and run NGO is like to manage Social entrepreneurship as Business
To form and run NGO is to run a business or a company or a political party. NGO is formed for donation but it has to be run like a entrepreneurship. Yes as a social business entrepreneur you have to establish, run, register and manage it as Social Business and Social Entrepreneurship. So you must have to be ready to establish and manage the resources for it, that can be either assembled and compiled with help of your like minded change makers and supporters if you have team or you can collect team members and manage them to support it to achieve the goal with long term plan. Either you have to manage the funds and resources at your part from your own resources or you have to manage and collect from the supporters. And when you are planning or decided to take consulting service to register so at this part you have to keep this fact in mind that if you want to form and run an social entrepreneurship then you have to manage the resources at your part or with help the supporters for your social service about that you are dreaming to implement now and further in future to do something different from other self centered people.

Basic requirements to register NGO
What are Basic Requirements to register and NGO? This is the main questions who want to register Non Profit Organuization. Registration process requires name of NGO, Identification of members, Aims and Objectives, Office address, Memorandum/Deed and certain information, documents and to follow certain process. It is necessary to arrange the basic necessary requirements to form and get registered status of Organization, before and at the time of submission and pursuance of the application and documents.

The Basic Information and Documents that are required to Register NGO are:
• Name of NGO. To register any organization the name is necessary.
• Office address of NGO.
• Members. In every registration process minimum certain number of members are required to form NGO. Number of desired minimum members are required from 2 to 7 in different registration processes.
• Identification of Members. The ID cards with their details and specifications, the detail information about members including ID proofs (i.e. Adhar Cards or Voter Card, PAN Cards), their address proofs, their passport size two photographs and certain other information at different Registrars as applicable.
• Objectives and Purposes to form the NGO. You have to decide your specific or general social welfare Aims, Objectives, Mission and Vision to form and establish it.
• Memorandum and Article of Association. To get registration it is necessary to submit the Memorandum of Association and Rules and Regulation for Society or Trust Deed for Charitable Trust or Memorandum of Association and Article of Association for Non Profit Section 8 Company.

Documentation is main part of Consultancy to Register NGO
We can proceed for registration process if you need Consultancy. You have to provide the basic required information then we prepare the documents including Memorandum of Association or Trust Deed. To prepare the Memorandum is the main role of consultant. It depends that how the consultants are experienced and have knowledge of present and future perspectives to run and manage the NGO, because most factors depend on the Memorandum of organization. As the expert professional consultants we better know to prepare the documents, proceed for Registration and to submit the Memorandum or Deed in the concerned registrar office, then it is processed for official registration. When we are assigned as consultant then we do the complete process of preparation and submission of documents for Registration.

We also proceed Registration work for other Consultants, Attorneys and Advocates
If you are consultant, attorney or advocate then you can contact us to proceed for Registration including to prepare the Memorandum and Deed. If you want our complete service for registration then we can also proceed for you and for your clients of your behalf. Madhaw as the Consultancy of expert team with long term experienced consultants in the registration of social service organization we are well suitable for your needs to be associate with you to fulfill the desirous needs of your clients related to perfect registration proceeding and completion in easy .

Not simple but easy path with well known methods with Experience
Madhaw takes up most responsibility for the entire registration process. If you are facing any trouble with the registration process then leave the problem to us. It shall just take easy course of action for team Madhaw to get the registration process done.
Though registration process might look simple on paper but it has many intricate details that must be handled by the maestros of our team. For example deciding on the name of NGO to be set up appears to be simple but care must be taken to ensure that the name complies with all the rules and regulations. The name should not bear any resemblance to any department, ministry or scheme of Central or State Government of India. There must not be any connection with legal authority. We shall help you in finding a suitable name for the NGO that reflects your passion as well as complies by all the Government rules and regulations. We even work on behalf of the intended NGO for the entire registration process. This will spare you a lot of time that you can utilize to ponder upon future strategies in order to achieve your objectives.

Perfect solution for both – Corporate Entrepreneurs and Individual Activist
Whether you are a corporate client or team of someone social entrepreneur having a dream to serve society, Madhaw consultancy is here to provide expert services at any point of time. If you are unsure about the entire process of registration and feeling clueless just call us and Madhaw shall simplify this strenuous, confusing work for you. We will submit all required documents in respective departments on your behalf.

NGO Registration services cover the following aspects:
To Register an NGO there are different processes and methods in different states of India that you have to select the best suitable process.
1NGO Registration as a Trust
2Registration as a Society
3. Registration as a Section 8 Non Profit Company

National and State Level NGO Registration
If you want to register your NGO at national level then you have to know and follow the process in different registration types and methods. Non Profit Company and Trust can be considered national level if you register it from any address of India, but Society can be considered as national if it is registered from Delhi with the applicable parameters.

Non Profit Company as National NGO / NPO : If you register NGO as Non Profit Section 8 Company from anywhere in India with address of any place in India then it is registered as national level Non Profit Organization or national levele Non Profit Company.

Trust as national NGO: If you register NGO as Trust then you can register Trust from any where in India. But you have to follow certain parameters and have to take consultancy services for that. In Trust it depends how the Trust Deed (Memorandum) is prepared and other process is followed. In most cases the Trust is considered as national level NGO but in some cases the Government Ministries somehow consider the NGO as national level if it is registered from Union Territory Delhi. Many Trusts that are Public Charitable Organizations working as national NGO even they are registered from any district of any other states apart from Delhi. Many organizations are working as national level they are registered as a Trust from Delhi.

Society as national level NGO: If you want to register the Society as national level NGO then you must have 7 desirous members from 7 different states including one member from Delhi. The national level Society as national level NGO can be registered from Delhi. The Government Ministries consider and prefer the Society registered form Delhi as National level society as national level NGO.
You can know more about National Level NGO Registration

International Level NGO Registration
If you wants to register international level NGO then you have to register it in different countries. It depends that where you can register and follow the parameters of certain countries as many countries need the member of their own country or state.
If you are thinking to getting international funds and want foreign funding then you can register any kind of any in any process from anywhere in India. Whether it is state level or national level NGO it can get foreign funds, but for that the NGO must be registered under FCRA Registration. To know more about this you can check and know about FCRA Registration,

Questions before Registration : We Resolve and proceed if you need Consultancy
If you have decided to form, establish and run Non Governmental Organization (NGO) then you have to register it. There is a registration process and documents, information, fees are required to register it. So there are some questions you have to keep in your mind that:
• How do we get information to form a nonprofit organization?
• How do we select the name of organization?
• What are Memorandum, Rules and Regulations, Trust Deed Articles of Association and how to prepare it?
• What can be the Objectives, which one do we have to select?
• What are complete by-laws to manage the NGO?
• What are required documents and information to register a NGO?
• What about the minimum and maximum members required?
• How to submit the documents for registration of NGO?
• Where to submit the required documents and application for registration?
• What is NGO Registration process?
• What kind of registration processes is applied and which is the best recommended for us?
• Where is the office of the Registrar to register the NGO?
• Is any lawyer or tax professional required to register a organization?

We can reply and resolve your all the questions related to NGO Registration and Management
If you take NGO Registration Consultancy Service then Madhaw NGO Registration Consultancy Service can reply and resolve all of queries and can provide the exact solution from formation, registration, to run NGO and upto manage the NGO. To form, to register, to run and manage NGO professional consultancy is required. If you want to run and social service group at your own level with your own resources and funds and with the help of your fiends and group members then you can run it without registration but if you want to collect the public fund and expecting to get the donation, grant and funding from funding agencies and different resources then you have to register and run it professionally in organized way and patter.

NGO can be registered and run professionally like a Company
If you need Consultancy service then we will guide you for the process and documents required. To run a NGO is similar to run like a Company and Political Party. To register, run and manage the Non Profit Organization is a Social Entrepreneurship. NGO is formed for the donation but it can not be started initially based only on donation and free service. You have to take professional services to form, register and manage the Organization.
If you are looking for Information only then you can Check it at NGO REGISTRATION
If you need Consultancy Service then please make a call at 9991997003.

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